Design Manufacruring of a Novel High-Voltage Power Transmission Lines Inspection Robot(LinBot)
Fakhari, A., Mostashfi, A., Badri, M. A.
Abbstract :
In this paper a detailed design of a novel inspection robot (line Boot) for high voltage power tranmission line is studies. This robot can be used for moving on ground wires with the aim of inspection and fault delection of electric power lines. designed active and passive mechanisms in the proposed robot enable is to move over various obstacles on the ground wires, such as clamps, warning balls and tower lips. Indeed this robot is the first designed robot with the capability of moving over are the ground wire obstcles. The active mechanisms contain even rubber-coated rollers (i.e...., four vertical rollers and three horizontal rollers) as well as six mechanisms in order to enable forizontal rollers to move also in vertical direction. The passive mechanisms include a set of spring-dampers installed in each joint of robot arms. To test the practically of the designed robot in obstacle surmount and achive the best design of the requied motor specifications, a simulation study in MSc ADAMS software is conducted. |A dynamical behavior of the robot including the motor torques is illustrated based on simulation results. Furthermore, performance of robot prototype manufactured in the laboratory is evaluated in the reaql field.
Keywords : Inspection robot, power transmision lines, obstacle aviodance, mechanism design