Title : "Control of Transition over Aerofoil Surfaces using Active Suction"
Print : International Journal of Flow Control
Authors : Sedaghat, A., Badri, M.A., Ahmadi Balootaki, A., Saghafian, M.
Abbstract :
The linear stability based on Orr-Sommerfeld equations and the eN method was employed to determine the onset and control of transition over VFW-VF-2 and NACA653-018 aerofoil sections. For the VFW-VF-2 aerofoil, the effects of active suction on shock-boundary layer interaction were investigated. An enhanced lift to drag ratio was obtained for incidence angles below 6 degrees using suction coefficient as tiny as 0.0006. A parametric study were conducted to show the effects of the suction slot location, suction inclination angle and the extent of sucked flow through slots for flows around the NACA653-018 aerofoil. It was observed that transition was delayed regardless of suction positions. However, maximum delay in transition occurred when the sucked region was located between a critical point and the transition point. For all the cases studied here, lift to drag ratio was increased using active surface suction.