Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters
Mojtaba Ahmadi-Baloutaki, Ahmad Sedaghat, Mohsen Saghafian, Mohammad Ali Badr
Flow transition from laminar to turbulent is prerequisite to decide whereabouts to apply surface flow control techniques. This appears missing in a number of works in which the control effects were merely investigated without getting insight into alteration of transition position. The aim of this study is to capture the correct position of transition over NACA0012 aerofoil at different angles of attack. Firstly, an implicit, time marching, high resolution total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme was developed to solve the governing Navier–Stokes equations for compressible fluid flows around aerofoil sections to obtain velocity profiles around the aerofoil surfaces. Secondly, the linear instability solver based on the Orr–Sommerfeld equations and the eN methods were developed to calculate the onset of transition over the aerofoil surfaces. For the low subsonic Mach number of 0.16, the accuracy of the compressible solutions was assessed by some available experimental results of low speed incompressible flows. In all cases, transition positions were accurately predicted which shows applicability and superiority of the present work to be extended for higher Mach number compressible flows. Here, transition prediction methodology is described and the results of this analysis without active flow control or separation are presented. ⃝c 2013 The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.