Journals :
Nikpour A. H., Moghim M. N., Badri M. A., "Experimental Study on Trapezoidal Floating Breakwaters", China Ocean Eng., 2019, Volume 33, No. 1, pp 103-113.
Hakimzadeh H., Badri M. A., Torabi Azad M., Azarsina F., Ezam M., "Effects of marine condition on the speed and fuel consumption of a fully – loaded VLCC", Trans RINA, Vol 160, Part A4, Intl. J. Maritime Eng, J. ISSN: 1740-0716, 1479-8751, pp 299-310, 2018.
Badri, M. A., Sedaghat, A., "Application of Genetic Algorithm & Analytic Hierarchy Process to Generate an Oil Spill Risk Map, J. of Aquaculture & Marine Biology", Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 1-6, Jul. 2017.
Badri, M. A., Faghihi Fard, M., "Numerical Simulation of Oil Pollution due to Optimum Pattern of Turbulent Flow and Effect of Wind & Tide, Research in Marine Sciences" , Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 67-77, 2017.
Badri, M. A., Faghihi Fard, M., "Simulation of Oil Pollution in the Persian Gulf near Assaluyeh Oil Terminal" , Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 105, pp. 143-149, Nov. 2016.
Fakhari, A., Mostashfi, A., Badri, M. A., Design and Manufacturing of a Novel High Voltage Power Transmission Lines Inspection Robot (LinBot), ICRMM 2016, France. Published in: Intl. J. of Mechanical and Mechatronics Eng., Vol. 3, No, 5, 2016.
Akbarzadeh, P., Molana, P., Badri, M. A., Determining resistance coefficient for series 60 vessels using numerical and experimental modeling, Ships and offshore Structures, Taylor & Francis, Ref.: Ms. No. SAOS.563R2, Vol. 114, No. 1-2, pp. 17-34, Nov. 2015.
Zamani, A. R., Badri, M. A., Wave energy estimation using a statistical analysis and wave buoy data near southern Caspian Sea, J. of China Ocean Eng., Vol. 29, No. 2, pp., 2015.
Ahmad Sedaghat, Badri, M. A., Mohsen Saghafian and Iman Samani, An Innovative Treadmill-Magnus Wind Propulsion System for Naval Ships, Recent patents on Eng., Vol. 8, No. 2, Spring. 2014.
Badri, M. A., Applying Genetic Algorithm to minimize the oil spill damage and optimize the location of the cleaning vessels, Indian J. of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 43(1), No. 4, pp. 1-10, Apr. 2014.
Ahmadi-Baloutaki, Sedaghat, A., Saghafian, M., Badri, M. A., A computational study on robust prediction of transition point over NACA0012 aerofoil surfaces from laminar to turbulent flows, Intl. J. of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Vol. 3, Issue (4), 2013.
Sedaghat, A., Badri, M. A., Numerical study on flow separation control over NACA0015 aerofoil using electromagnetic fields, Intl. J. of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, Vol. 3, Issue (4), pp. 1-7, 2013.
Ahmadi-Baloutaki, Sedaghat, A., Saghafian, M., Badri, M. A., Control of Transition over Aerofoil Surfaces using Active Suction, Intl. J. of Flow Control, Vol. 5, No. 3&4, pp. 187- 200, Sep. / Dec. 2013.
Mostashfi, A., Fakhari, A., Badri, M. A., A Novel Design of Inspection Robot for High Voltage Power Lines, Industrial Robot-Manuscript ID IR 04-2013-343, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 166-175, 2013.
Badri, M. A., Using Weibull probability distribution to calibrate prevailing wind applying in oil spill simulation, J. of mechanical eng., Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 5-22, March 2012.
Badri, M. A., Wilders, P., Flow estimation for the Persian Gulf using a Kelvin wave expansion, Indian J. of Marine Sciences, Vol. 41, No.3, pp. 249-258, 2011.
Badri, M. A., Azimian, A.R., Oil Spill Model by Flow Estimation and a Probability Wind Distribution, LAMBERT Academic Publishing (LAP), March 2011.
Badri, M. A., "Combining of a probability wind field and a hydrodynamic model to prepare a risk map investigating environmental contaminants, Tabriz J. of mechanical eng., Vol. 39, pp. 165-181, March, 2011.
Badri, M. A., Azimian, A.R., An oil spill model based on the Kelvin wave theory and artificial wind field for the Persian Gulf, Indian J. of Marine Sci., Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 165- 181, 2010.
Badri, M. A., Combination of wind field and a hydrodynamic model to investigate environmental contaminants providing a risk map, The 9th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS 2010), Tehran, Iran, 29 Nov.-1 Dec. 2010.
Badri, M. A., Wilders, P., Flow estimation for the Persian Gulf using a Kelvin wave expansion, Technical Report ISSSN 1389-6520, Department of applied mathematical analysis, Delft, 2628 CD, June 2009. Nasri B., Moghim M. N., Badri M. A., Experimental Study on Trapezoidal pontoon-type Floating Breakwaters with Attached Porous Plates, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2021, No. 1, pp 1-17.
- H Hakimzadeh, M Torabi Azad, Badri, M. A., F Azarsina, M Ezam, Numerical Modeling of a very Large Crude Oil Carrier Using ANSYS CFX: A Case Study of SALINA, Dec 2019 -Trans RINA, Vol 161, Part A4, Intl J Maritime Eng, Oct. pp A 459-A466.
Conferences :
Badri, M.A., "Compilation of Test Regulations for Midget Class Submarines", UDT Europe 2004
Badri, M.A., 'The application of reduced grid for global ocean modeling',10th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics
Badri, M.A., " Determination of Added Mass for Incompressible and Viscid Flow by, ", The Forth Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
Badri, M.A., "Investigation of Creeping flow Past Cylinders by Numerical Solution", 8th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics
Badri, M.A , Molki, M., Saeedi, M.S., "Numerical Solution of Flow Field Past a Cylinder in Low Reynolds", 7th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics
Badri, M.A , "Numerical Solution of Flow and heat transfer Inside Heating Square Cavities", The third Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
Badri, M.A , Azimian, A.R., "An Oil Spill Model for Northern Persian Gulf Waters", 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics
Badri, M.A ," Out coming of energy from oceans and seas", 4th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures ICOPMAS 2000
Badri, M.A , "An Application of Kelvin Wave Expansion to model flow Pattern using in Oil Spill simulation", 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software(IEMSS 2012)
Badri, M.A , Saghafian, M., Samani, I. , "An Innovative Wind Propulsion System for Naval Ships", 15th Marine Industries Conference
- Badri, M.A., "An Application of Kelvin Wave Expansion to model flow Pattern using in Oil Spill simulation", 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software(IEMSS 2012)
Book :
- Oil Spill Model By Flow Estimation and Probability Wind Distribution Environmental Modeling, Lambert, 1389(2011), 64 pages. view this book
Author: Mohammad Ali Badri, Ahmad Reza Azimian/
Publishe LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Pages : 72
Published : 2011-03-02,
ISBN-10 : 3844301488 ISBN-13: 9783844301489
List Price: 49.00 EUR