PhD : in Mechanical Engineering , Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, IRAN, 2004-2009
Thesis : "A Short Term Numerical Modeling for Oil Spill Simulation by a new Hydrodynamic Model Applying in the Persian Gulf"
Main Course : Advanced Mathematics, Statistical Yhermodynamics, Parallel Computation, Convection Heat Transfer, Bouyancy Induced Flow, Viscous, etc.
M.Sc. : in Mechanical Engineering , Isfahan University or Technology, Isfahan, IRAN, 1991-1993
Thesis : "Numerical Solution of Laminar Flow about Cylinders in Low Reynolds"
Main Course : Boundary Layer Theory , Hydrodynamics, Advanced Fluid Mechnaics , etc.
B.Sc. : in Mechanical Engineering , Isfahan Univeristy of Technology, Isfahan, IRAN, 1981-1985
Final Year Project : "A Development for Calculating Length and Diameter of Diffusion Flames:
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