
  1. Badri, M.A, "An Oil Spill Model on the Kelvin Wave Theory and Artificial Wind Field for the Persian Gulf", INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEO-MARINE SCIENCES, 2010.
  2. Badri, M.A, "Using Weibull Probability Distribution to Calibrate Prevailing Wind Applying in Oil Spill Simulatiion"Iranian journal of mechanical engineering, 2012
  3. Badri, M.A., Wilders, P., "Flow Estimation for the Persian Gulf using a Kelvin Wave Expansion" , INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEO-MARINE SCIENCES,  2012
  4. Azimian, M., Badri, M.A., Javadi, H., "Sensitivity analysis of project efficiency in a multi-project environment based on data envelopment analysis", International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2013
  5. Ahmadi Balootaki, M., Saghafian, M., M., Saghafian,, Badri. M.A.,"A Computational study on robust prediction of transition point over NACA0012 aerofoil surfaces from laminar to turbulent flows", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2013
  6. Sedaghat, A., Badri, M.A., "Numerical Study on Flow Separation Control over NACA0015 Aerofoil using Electromagnetic Fields", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2013
  7. Sedaghat, M., Badri, M.A , Ahmadi Balootaki, M., Saghafian, M. , "Control of Transition over Aerofoil Surfaces using Active Suction"International Journal of Flow Control, 2013
  8. Badri, M.A., "Applying Genetic Algorithm to Minimize the Oil Spill Damage and Optimize the Location of the Cleaning Vessels",INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEO-MARINE SCIENCES, 2014
  9. Mostashfi Habibabadi, A., Fakhari, A., Badri, M.A., "A Novel Desigh of Imspection Robot for High-Voltage Power Lines", INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, 2014