Name : Shamsollah Family: Ayoubi
Birth date: 31 Dec 1971
Place of Birth: Jousheghan Ghali, Kashan, Iran
Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran.
Tel: +98-311-3913470
Fax: +98-311-3913471
Mobile: +98-9131885648
BSc: Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran.
MSc: Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran.
Title of thesis: Quantitative and Qualitative land suitability evaluation of important crops of Barran district, Isfahan Province.
PhD: Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran.
Title of Dissertation: Pedogenic evidences of quaternary climate changes in central Iran and Charmahal & Bakhtiari Province.
Sabbatical Training Periods: a) 3 months in Geology Department of BOKU University, Vienna, Austria.
b)One month in Department of Soil Biology and soil chemistry, ICRISAT, Patencheru, India
1995-2001: Asistant teaching of Soil Erosion, land Evaluation. Soil Genesis and Classification, Soil Survey in Isfahan University of Technology.
2002-2006: Teaching of Soil Genesis and Classification, Soil Survey, Land Evaluation, Soil Erosion for BSc Students in Gorgan University, Iran.
2003-2006: Teaching of Land Suitability Evaluation for MSc Students in Gorgan University.
2006-till now: Teaching of Land Evaluation, Soil Erosion, Soil Cartography, Geomorphology, Paleoclimatology, and Micromorphology for BSc, MSc and PhD students in Isfahan University of Technology.
Administrative activities :
2008-2010: Head of Soil Science Department, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran.
2010- 2013: Dean of Technology Transfer Office of Isfahan University of Technology.Isfahan, Iran.
2014-till now: Head of Soil Science Department, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran.
- ISTRO member, 2010 till now
- Soil and Water Association of Iran, 2000 till now