- Esteki, B.; Masoomi, M.; Asadinezhad, A. Tailored Morphology in Polystyrene/Poly(lactic acid) Blend Particles: Solvent's Effect on Controlled Janus/Core-Shell Structures, Langmuir, 39, 15306 (2023).
- Ahmadi, M.; Asadinezhad, A. Synthesis and characterization of azodianiline covalent organic frameworks intended for energy storage, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1286, 135647 (2023).
Falaki, P.; Masoomi, M.; Asadinezhad, A. Rheology–morphology interrelationship in high‑density polyethylene/polyamide‑6 microfibrillar composite, Polymer Bulletin, 78, 6675 (2021).
Kelich, P.; Asadinezhad A. Molecular Simulation Study on Brushes of Poly (2-ethyl-2-oxazoline), Materials Today Communications, 21, 100681 (2019).
Soleimani, H.; Bagheri, R.; Asadinezhad, A. Effect of Silica Nanoparticles on Surface Properties, Particle Size, and Distribution of Poly (methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid) Synthesized by in situ Emulsion Polymerization, Progress in Organic Coatings, 129, 278-284 (2019).
Alavi, S.A.; Zilouei, H.; Zargoosh, K.; Asadinezhad, A.; Yousefi Abdolmaleki. Surface modification of Nizimuddinia zanardini and Stoechospermum marginatum using 4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazide to improve heavy metals biosorption from water, International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 15, 993-1000 (2018).
Asadinezhad A.; Kelich, P. Effects of Carbon Nanofiller Characteristics on PTT Chain Conformation and Dynamics: A Computational Study, Applied Surface Science, 392, 981-990 (2017).
Kelich, P.; Asadinezhad A. Adsorption of Poly(ethylene succinate) Chain onto Graphene Nanosheets: A Molecular Simulation, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 69, 26-38 (2016).
- Ghasemian, M.; Zilouei, H.; Asadinezhad, A.. Enhanced biogas and biohydrogen production from cotton plant wastes using alkaline pretreatment, Energy & Fuels, 30, 10484-10493 (2016)
- Keshavarz, A.; Zilouei, H.; Abdolmaleki, A.; Asadinezhad, A.; Nikkhah, A.A. Impregnation of polyurethane foam with activated carbon for enhancing oil removal from water, International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 13, 699-710 (2016).
Kelich, P.; Asadinezhad, A. Molecular Dynamics Insights into Behavior of Poly (ethylene succinate) Single Chain on Carbon Nanotube Surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C, 119, 26143-26153 (2015).
Hesami, S.M.; Zilouei, H.; Karimi, K.; Asadinezhad, A. Enhanced biogas production from sunflower stalks using hydrothermal and organosol pretreatment, Industrial Crops and Products, 76, 449-455 (2015).
Keshavarz, A.; Zilouei, H.; Abdolmaleki, A.; Asadinezhad, A. Enhancing oil removal from water by immobilizing multi-wall carbon nanotubes on the surface of polyurethane foam, Journal of Environmental Management, 157, 279-286 (2015).
Karbassi, E.; Asadinezhad, A.; Lehocký, M.; Humpolíček, P.; Sáha, P. Bacteriostatic Activity of Fluoroquinolones Coatings on Polyethylene Films, Polymer Bulletin, 72, 2049-2058 (2015).
- Alavi, S.A.; Zilouei, H.; Asadinezhad, A. Otostegia Persica biomass as a new biosorbent for the removal of lead from aqueous solutions, International Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 12, 489-498 (2015).
- Nikkhah, A.A.; Zilouei, H.; Asadinezhad, A.; Keshavarz, A. Removal of Oil from Water using Polyurethane foam modified with nanoclay,Chemical Engineering Journal, 262, 278-285 (2015).
- Karbassi, E.; Asadinezhad, A.; Lehocky, M; Humpolicek, P.; Vesel, A; Novak, I.; Saha, P. Antibacterial Performance of Alginic Acid Coating on Polyethylene Film, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15, 14684-14696 (2014).
- Asadinezhad, A.; Khonakdar, H.A.; Haussler, L., Wagenknecht, U.; Heinrich, G. Crystallization and melting behavior of poly (ethylene succinate)in presence of graphene nanoplatelets, Thermochimica Acta, 586, 17–24 (2014).
- Asadinezhad, A.; Khonakdar, H.A.; Scheffler, C., Wagenknecht, U.; Heinrich, G. Poly (ethylene succinate)/Single-walled Carbon Nanoube Composites: A Study on Crystallization, Polymer Bulletin, 70, 3463-3474 (2013).
- Khonakdar, H.A.; Jafari, S.H.; Asadinezhad, A.; Zolali, A., Wagenknecht, U.; Heinrich, G. On the Interrelationship of Transreaction with Viscoelastic Properties of Poly(ethylene terephethalate), Polymer Engineering and Science, 53, 2556-2567 (2013).
- Asadinezhad, A.; Khonakdar, H.A.; Jafari, S.H.; Simon, F.; Wagenkncht, U. A Surface Analysis of Polypropylene/Clay Nanocomposites Exposed to Electron Irradiation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 128, 1569-1574 (2013).
- Khonakdar, H.A.; Ehsani, M.; Asadinezhad, A.; Jafari, S.H.; Wagenknecht, U. Nanofilled polypropylene/poly(trimethylene terephthalate) blends: A morphological and mechanical properties study. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, 52, 897-909 (2013).
- Khonakdar, H.A.; Saen, P.; Nodehi, A.; Jafari, S.H.; Asadinezhad, A.; Wagenkncht, U.; Heinrich, G. On Rheology-Morphology Correlation of Polypropylene/Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) Blend Nanocomposites, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 127, 1054-1060 (2013).
- Asadinezhad, A.; Lehocky, M.; Saha, P., Mozetic, M. Recent Progress in Surface Modification of Polyvinyl chloride, Materials, 5, 2937-2959 (2012).
- Jafari, S.H.; Hesabi, M.; Khonakdar, H.A.; Asadinezhad, A. Cyclic Olefin copolymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposite: Solid and melt viscoelastic properties and degradation behavior, Journal of Polymer Research, 19, 9911-9915 (2012).
- Jafari, S.H.; Asadinezhad, A.; Kalati-vahid, A.; Khonakdar, H.A.; Wagenknecht, U.; Heinrich, G. Polypropylene/Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) Blend Nanocomposite: A Thermal Properties Study. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 51, 682-688 (2012).
- Jafari, S.H.; Kalati-vahid, A.; Khonakdar, H.A.; Asadinezhad, A.; Wagenknecht, U.; Jehnichen, D. Crystallization and melting behavior of nanoclay-containing polypropylene/poly(trimethylene terephthalate) blends. Express Polymer Letters, 6, 148-158 (2012).
- Asadinezhad, A; Novak, I; Lehocky, M; Sedlarik, V; Vesel, A; Junkar, I; Saha, P; Chodak, I. A physicochemical approach to render antibacterial surfaces on medical-grade PVC. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 7, 504-514 (2010).
- Asadinezhad, A.; Novak, I; Lehocky, M; Sedlarik, V; Vesel, A; Junkar, I; Saha, P; Chodak, I. An in vitro bacterial adhesion assessment of surface modified medical-grade PVC. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 77, 246-256 (2010).
- Asadinezhad, A.; Novák, I.; Lehocký, M.; Bílek, F.; Vesel, A.; Junkar, I.; Sáha, P.; Popelka, A. Polysaccharide Coatings on Medical-grade PVC: A Probe into Surface Characteristics and Bacterial Adhesion Extent. Molecules, 15, 1007-1027 (2010).
- García, J.L.; Asadinezhad, A.; Pacherník, J.; Lehocký, M.; Junkar, I.; Humpolíček, P.; Sáha, P. Cell Proliferation of HaCaT Keratinocytes upon Collagen Films Modified by Argon Plasma Treatment. Molecules, 15, 2845-2856 (2010).
- Jafari, S.H.; Khonakdar, H.A.; Asadinezhad, A.; Häussler, L.; Böhme, F.; Komber, H. On the Interrelationship of Transreactions with Thermal Properties and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of PTT/PEN Blends. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 210, 1291-1302 (2009).
- Khonakdar, H.A.; Jafari, S.H.; Asadinezhad, A. A Review on Homopolymer, Blends, and Nanocomposites of Poly (trimethylene terephthalate) As a New Addition to the Aromatic Polyesters Class. Iranian Polymer Journal, 17, 19-38 (2008).
- Khonakdar, H.A.; Shiri, M.; Golriz, M.; Asadinezhad, A.; Jafari, S.H. A Novel Analytical Approach to Estimate Isothermal and Dynamic Crystallization Avrami Kinetic Parameters. e-Polymers, 085 (2008).
- Asadinezhad, A; Jafari, S.H.; Khonakdar, HA; Bohme, F; Hassler, R; Haussler, L. Kinetics of isothermal crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of PTT/PA12 blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 106, 1964-1971 (2007).
- Asadinezhad, A; Yavari, A; Jafari, SH; Khonakdar, HA; Bohme, F. Description of the dynamic moduli of poly(trimethylene terephthalate)/polyamide-12 blends in molten state. Polymer Engineering and Science, 45, 1401-1407 (2005).
- Asadinezhad, A., Yavari, A., Jafari, S.H., Khonakdar, H.A., Böhme, F., Hässler, R. Phase Morphology and Thermal Characteristics of Binary Blends Based on PTT and PA12. Polymer Bulletin, 54, 205-213 (2005).
- Yavari, A., Asadinezhad, A., Jafari, S.H., Khonakdar, H.A., Ahmadian, S., Böhme, F. Linear Viscoelastic Characteristics of Poly (trimethylene terephthalate)/Polycarbonate Blends in the Melt State. Macromolar Materials and Engineering, 290, 1091-1096 (2005).
- Yavari, A., Asadinezhad, A., Jafari, S.H., Khonakdar, H.A., Böhme, F., Hässler, R. Effect of Transesterification Products on the Miscibility and Phase Behavior of Poly(trimethylene terephthalate)/ Bisphenol-A Polycarbonate Blends. European Polymer Journal, 41, 2880-2886 (2005).
- Jafari, S.H., Asadinezhad, A., Yavari, A., Khonakdar, H.A., Böhme, F. Compatibilizing Effects on the Morphology and Thermal Properties of Polymer Blends Based on PTT and m-LLDPE. Polymer Bulletin, 54, 417-426 (2005).
- Jafari, S.H., Yavari, A., Asadinezhad, A., Khonakdar, H.A., Böhme, F. Correlation of Morphology and Rheological Response of Interfacially-Modified PTT/m-LLDPE Blends with Varying Extent of Modification, Polymer, 46, 5082-5093 (2005).
- Khonakdar, H.A., Jafari, S.H., Yavari, A., Asadinezhad, A., Wagenknecht, U. Rheology, Morphology, and Estimation of Interfacial Tension of LDPE/EVA and HDPE/EVA Blends. Polymer Bulletin, 54, 75-84 (2005).