Work Experiences

Rio Tinto Mining and Exploration Limited (2000-2003):  Exploration Geologist and GIS-Database and Remote Sensing Expert.

Dorsa Company (2003-2011):  Project Manager at Dalli Cu-Au and Kahang Cu-Mo porphyry deposits

Isfahan University of Technology (2003-up to the present):  Assistant Professor of Mineral Exploration in the Mining Engineering Department.


At Rio Tinto   Hooshng Asadi Haroni was involved and conducted various projects such as supervising drilling program, logging, geological mapping, geochemical sampling, data processing and interpretation as well as writing reports at the world class Sari Gunay volcanic-hosted epithermal gold deposit, NW Iran. He was also involved in data base creation/management, processing Aster and ETM satellite imagery data as well as mineral potential mapping and field work during copper-gold regional exploration in different parts of Iran.   


At the Isfahan University of Technology  (Mining department) Hooshang Asadi Haroni teaches at post-graduate and graduate level and supervises MSc and PhD students. He also performs research on the geodynamic setting, genesis and  modelling of  porphyry copper-gold  and epithermal gold deposits, exploration geochemistry as well as applications of geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) in geology and mineral exploration in Iran.


At Dorsa Company he worked as project manager in different stages of exploration at Dalli porphyry Cu-Au and Kahang porphyry Cu (Mo-Au) projects. He completed the exploration and achieved discovery certificate at Kahang porphyry copper deposit (with a total proved reserve of 40 Mt @ 0.53% Cu) in 2009 and then transferred it to the National Iranian Copper Company (NICICO) in 2009. He also achieved the discovery certificate of Dalli porphyry copper-gold deposit (5 Mt @ 0.65 g/t Au and 0.5% Cu) in 2010.