Teaching and Research Experiences

Hooshang Asadi Haroni has taught the following subjects in mineral exploration Bsc, MSc and PhD courses at Isfahan University of Technology (Isfahan), Shaid Behshti University (Tehran), Amir Kabir University (Tehran) and ITC (Netherlands):



Remote Sensing and Applications of Arial Photos

Petrology2- Economic geology of Exploration

Economic geology of Non-Metallic Exporation

Structural geology-Petrology1- Physics-Chemistry

Non-Metallic Exploration

Structural geology-Petrology2

Sepcial Topics in Mineral exploration


(Metalogeny  of  Iran (Master degree


(Remote Sensing (Master degree


Non-Metallic Exploration

(Master degree)


Prospection and Exploration of Non-Metalilc Materials


Economic geology of Metallic Exploration


GIS Application in Mineral Exploration (MSc-PhD)  
Geochemical Exploration  
Computer Application in Mineral Exploration  


He has supervised 21 MSc students and 6 PhD students.

The topics of Hooshang Asadi Haroni's present and past PhD students are:

  • Petrology of magmatism at Dalli Cu-Au deposit, central Iran. Mrs. Fezze Ayati, PhD promotion on 2010, Isfahan University, Iran
  • Assessment of economic potential at Dalli Cu-Au deposit, Central Iran, Miss Sara Yousefifar,  PhD promotion on 2011, Olum Tahghighat University, Tehran, Iran
  • The geochemistry of Kahang porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Central Iran. Miss Maryam Farahmini, PhD promotion on 2008, Olum Tahghighat university, Tehran, Iran
  • Application of fractal model in determination of geochemical distribution of copper in Kahang porphyry copper deposit, central Iran. Mr. Payman Afzal, PhD promotion on 2010, Olum Tahghighat University, Tehran, Iran
  • Characterization of hydrothermal alterations and associated Cu-Mo mineralization at Kahang porphyry deposit, Central Iran. Mrs. Zahra Afshooni, PhD promotion is targeted for 2012, Science Department, Geology Group, Tehran University,  Iran.



