2002–2006: |
Informatics thesis at university Paris 6, Paris (France) Thesis subject: Structure and Complexity of Grobner bases Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Lazard Mention: Tres Honorable |
1999–2002: |
Logic thesis at Tarbiat-Modares university, Tehran (Iran) Thesis subject: Logic theory Supervisor: Dr. Mojtaba Moniri Not finished |
1997–1999: |
M.Sc of Mathematics at Amir-Kabir university of technology, Tehran (Iran) M.Sc subject: On the Fitting ideals in free resolutions Supervisor: Dr. Farhad Rahmati Mention: Very good |
1993–1997: |
B.S of Mathematics at Sharif university of technology, Tehran (Iran) B.S subject: Enriched Category Supervisor: Dr. Amir Daneshgar Mention: Very good |
1993: | High school degree of Mathematics in Borojerd (Iran) |