Past Positions:


  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, 2009 – 2016.
  2. Member of the Board of Directors, Water and Wastewater Research Institute, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, 2011 – 2017.
  3. Visiting Researcher, Research Scholar, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (eawag), Switzerland, July 2017- September 2017.
  4. Principal Investigator in the following projects at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) 2009 - present:
    • The Integrated Disaster Management of Isfahan Province, Isfahan Province, 2010- present
    • Determining of Water Demands of Green Lands of Tehran Park, Ezam Investment Company, 2011- 2014
    • Water Allocation in a River Basin Using Conflict Resolution Methods, A Case Study: Zayanderood River, 2012- 2013.
    • Water and Land use planning t of Isfahan Province, Isfahan Province, 2012- present.
    • Water Allocation in a River Basin using Conflict Resolution Methods, A Case Study, Isfahan Water Authority, 2013-2014.
    • Evaluation of Eva-transpiration using Remote Sensing Methods, A Case Study, Isfahan Water Authority, 2014-2015.
  5. Executive Secretary, Second National Conference on Engineering Education (EE), Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, December 2011
  6. Secretary of Scientific Committee, Second Iranian National Conference on Applied Researches in Water Resources, Ministry of Energy, Zanjan Water Authority, Zanjan, Iran, 18-19 May 2011
  7. Executive Secretary, 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 8-10 May 2012, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
  8. Director of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Laboratory, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, 2001-2003
  9. Consultant for a National Project on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Ministry of Energy, 2011- Present.
  10. Principle Investigator of a Project entitled “Environmental Risk Assessment of Jareh & Abolabbas Dams Using Bayesian Networks”, Mahabghodss Consultant Engineering Company, 2011- 2012.
  11. Principle Investigator of a Project entitled “Risk Assessment of Factors Affecting Time Delay in ِDalin-NoorAbad Highway Construction”, Ministry of Road and Transportation, 2011.
  12. Principle Investigator of a Project entitled “Environmental Management Plans (EMP) for Roads Construction”, Ministry of Road and Transportation, 2010-2011.
  13. Co-investigator in several research projects in Amirkabir University (Tehran Polytechnic) and Tehran University (from 2004- to 2009):
    1. “Demand Management and Increasing Irrigation Efficiency in Agricultural Sector in Tehran Province”, Tehran Planning and Management Organization, 2004-2006
    2. “Integrated Flood Control Management (Kajo and Kariani Rivers)”, 2004- 2008
    3. “Qualitative and Quantitative Planning and Management of Water Allocation with Emphasis on Conflict Resolution”, Water Research Council, Iranian Water Resources Management Organization, 2004-2006
    4. “Design of Online Monitoring System of the Karoon River”, the World Bank and Iranian Department of Environmental Protection, 2004 -2005
    5. “Re-evaluation of water supply and demand and drought management in Ahar-Chaie River Basin.” Azarbayjan Regional Water Authority, 2006-2009
    6. Model and Software Preparation for long term Rainfall Forecasting of Area Impacted by Large Scale Climate Signals, University of Tehran Sponsored by Iranian Meteorological organization. 2007-2010
    7. Zarineh-rood River Pollution Identification, Control and Reduction, Supervising the Project: By Lar Consultant Engineering Company, 2008-2009
    8. Economic Value of Water in Kerman based on International standards. Kerman Regional Water Authority, 2008-2010
    9. Drought Management in the City of Tehran, Tehran Water and Wastewater Company, 2008-2009
    10. Evaluation and conceptual design of disaster management, Ministry of Energy, 2009-2010
  14. Assistant lecturer for the following thought courses in the Department of Civil Engineering, Tehran University, from 2004 – to 2007:
    1. Water quality planning and management (for Ph.D. and M.S. students)
    2. Water Resources Systems Analysis (for Ph.D. and M.S. students)
    3. System Engineering (for B. S. students)
    4. Fluid Mechanic (for B. S. students)
  15. Assistant lecturer for the following thought courses, Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, from 2002 – to 2004
    1. Fluid Mechanic (for B. S. students)
    2. Hydraulic (for B. S. students)