Biography 43

Date of Birth: December, 20, 1954
Place of Birth: Shahreza, Iran
Nationality: Iranian

PhD: 1997, Arithmetical algebraic Geometry, Durham University, England.
Title of Thesis: Geometry of Arithmetic Surfaces
MSc: 1984, Shiraz University, Iran
Title of Thesis: Noetherian intersection of Integral Domains
BSc: 1978, Isfahan University, Iran


Academic Position: Associate  Professor

Subjects Taught
Undergraduate: Calculus, Differential Equations, Engineering Mathematics, Complex analysis, Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra, Elementary Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, …
Graduate: Commutative Algebra, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Manifolds, Algebraic Geometry I & II, Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Vector Bundles, …


Research Interests:Regular   models   for Arithmetic   Schemes, Group Schemes,  Infinite Dimensional Manifolds, …