"Stray Alternating Current Problems in Concrete Power Poles"
Aghajani Koopaee, A. , Golozar M.A., Saatchi, A., Reisi, K., Shabani, S. , Urgen, M.
Abbstract :
Stray current is defined as current that flows through unwanted paths. Current leakage from high- voltage power lines through a concrete pole can damage the concrete and cause other serious problems in power networks. The resistances are not constant and vary with ambient effects. If concrete pile quality and technology are low, deposit layer from air pollution forms the insulators, and if grounding systems do not work well, high-voltage alternating current (AC) can creep from the surface of the insulator into the concrete pole. The resistances are not constant and vary with ambient effects. If concrete pile quality and technology are low, deposit layer from air pollution forms the insulators, and if grounding systems do not work well, high-voltage alternating current (AC) can creep from the surface of the insulator into the concrete pole.