Failure of Impressed Current Anode Supports on Jetty Piles

Failure of Impressed Current Anode Supports on Jetty Piles

A. Koopaee, Aghajani, A. Saatchi

Materials Performance, March 2015, VOL. 54, NO. 3


Abbstract :

 Impressed current cathodic protec­tion was installed on the coated piles of a jetty. The anodes were placed within galvanized steel support tubes that were welded to the piles. The an­odes were isolated from the ends of the tubes, but a small portion of the anodes extended from each tube. Af­ter about a year, most of the support tubes had corroded and broken be­cause of severe splash zone corrosion and the formation of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) from anodic reactions. Proper installation of anodes would have prevented this failure.