Bend Test of Concrete Power Poles

Bend Test of Concrete Power Poles

A. ,Aghajani Koopaee, Behnaz Aghajani


Abbstract :

If the reinforcement design and the concrete mix design are appropriate, then a concrete beam will exhibit acceptable behavior during a bending test. The flexural strength of the concrete beam results from a combination of tensile strength from the reinforcement and compressive strength from the concrete. The bending test of the concrete poles was performed according to an Iranian instruction test for concrete poles. Therefore, it is first necessary to explain the test. It is similar to the bend test described in CEB Standard 044-3;2 the two tests are almost the same, yet slightly different. In the Iranian test, the part of the concrete pole that is placed in the ground is marked. The length is ~14% of the total length of the pole. This area, according to Figure 1, is firmly fixed between two strong reinforced concrete abutments. In concrete poles with an H cross-section (as in Figure 1), the beam is placed in such a way that the full web of the H section faces upward. Bend force is applied at a distance of 60 cm from the tip of the beam (as shown in Figure 1). Also, at a distance of 3 m from the end of the concrete pole, a bed of roller tracks is used to allow easy lateral movement of the pole during the application of bending force. According to Figure 1, before applying bend force, a metal vertical marker is in contact with the pole. During the application and removal of force, the amount of deviation of the pole from the metal marker is measured and recorded.