Administrative Positions
- Civil Engineering Research Group Manager, Subsea Research & Development Center, Isfahan University of Technology, 2019
- 1997-2002 Iranian Aircraft company.
- Design and implementation of cathodic protection systems.
- Many industrial research projects in the field of corrosion and cathodic protection
- Corrosion research group of Materials engineering department,Isfahan University of Technology (1997 up to now)
- Partners in construction marine equipment, Subsea science and technology center ofIsfahan University of Technology (1997 up to now)
- Design Iranian cathodic protection roadmap for the next five years
- Several projects related to stray current problems in cathodic protection system and electrified transit systems.
- Concrete corrosion, degradation in concrete power poles
- Stray current ageing effects on concrete power poles
- Design and implementation cladding system for corrosion protection of oil risers of Iranian offshore platforms in Persian Gulf
- Design and manufacturing lift pumps for extraction oil in Iranian offshore platforms which located in Persian Gulf
- Correcting and collecting existing cathodic protection standards of Khozestan distribution Gas Company