Group News

The latest news form our group and events:

3 May 2024: Physical Review Materials published our paper titled "Vacancy-related color centers in two-dimensional silicon carbide monolayers".

26 April 2024: Nasrin Estaji, the PhD student of our group, joined Prof. Adam Gali's Group at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Hungary) for doing her sabbatical leave. 

01 July 2023: IAS joined Prof. Tapio Ala-Nissila Group at the Department of Applied Physics, QTF Centre of Excellence, Aalto University School of Science (Finland) as researcher during summer 2023. 

14 October 2021: Quantum Science and Technology published our paper titled "Strain induced coupling and quantum information processing with hexagonal boron nitride quantum emitters".

01 October 2021: Meysam Mohseni, the former member of our group, joined Prof. Adam Gali's Group at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Hungary). 

03 Semtember 2021: Siavash Karbasizadeh, the former member of our group, joined Prof. Chris Van de Walle Group at  University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), as Ph. D. candidate. 

01 July 2021: Nima Ghaffari, the former member of our group, joined Prof. Adam Gali's Group at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Hungary), as Ph. D. candidate. 

06 May 2021: Ghaem Hasanzadeh, the former member of our group, joined Prof. Matthias Scheffler's Group at the Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck, as Ph. D. candidate.  

08 April 2021: "Virtual school on electronic excitations in solids and nanostructures using the Yambo code" held on April 8, 9 (week 1) and April 15, 16 (week 2) 2021 using the online platform zoom.

07 April 2021: Appl. Phys. Lett. published our paper "Electronic and magnetic properties of two dimensional of FeX (X = S, Se, Te) monolayers crystallize in the orthorhombic structures". 

10 March 2021Ghaem Hasanzadeh wins Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany - DAAD.

07 Oct 2020: Physical Review B published our paper "Theoretical study of quantum emitters in two-dimensional silicon carbide monolayers".