PhD in Physics (2012); Isfahan University of Technology
MSc in Physics (2007); Isfahan University of Technology
BSc in Physics (2004); University of Guilan
Scientific Experience:
Graduate Coordinator of Physics Department, Sept. 2022 - Now
Associate Professor in Physics (IUT), Dec. 2021 - Now
Researcher at Department of Applied Physics, QTF Centre of Excellence, Aalto University School of Science, July 2023- August 2023
Deputy of Student Affairs, Physics Department, Sept. 2021- Sept. 2022
Assistant Professor in Physics (IUT) Sept. 2012 - Nov. 2021
Resident Researchers of the School of Nanoscience at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) Sept. 2016-Jul. 2019
Researcher at computational Spintronics Group of Prof. Sanvito in the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin 2011
The referee for IOP journals: 2D Materials, Europhysics Letters (EPL), Nanotechnology, Materials for Quantum Technology, Physica Scripta, and Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
The referee for Springer journals: Journal of Computational Electronics (JCEL), and Theoretical chemistry
The referee for ScienceDirect journals: Materials Science And Semiconductor Processing, and Surfaces and Interfaces
داوری مقالات مجله پژوهش فیزیک ایران
داوری مقالات مجله مهندسی مواد پیشرفته
داوری مقالات مجله نانومقیاس
داوری مقالات کنفرانس ها: کنفرانس فیزیک ایران، کنفرانس ماده چگال
Iran National Science Foundation (2017-2018)
Iran National Science Foundation (2024-2025)
S. Javad Hashemifar (Isfahan University of Technology)
Mojtaba Alaei (Isfahan University of Technology)
Mehdi Abdi (Isfahan University of Technology)
Tapio Ala-Nissilä (Aalto University )
Arsalan Hashemi (Aalto University)
Adam Gali (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Stefano Sanvito (Trinity College Dublin)
C. Das Pemmaraju (Trinity College Dublin)