Awards and Honors

S. Maryam Hosseini's Thesis is  One of the Best MSC Thesis from 2014 to 2017 at Isfahan University of Technology.

Supervisor: I. Abdolhosseini Sarsari         Advisor: P. Kameli


Distinguished Ph.D. Student, Isfahan University of Technology, 2012.


One of the Best MSC Thesis from 2004 to 2007 at Isfahan University of Technology.


Rank 1 of  Graduate Students, Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, 2007.


MSC Scholarship, Isfahan University of Technology, 2006.


Rank 1 of  Undergraduate Students, Physics Department, Guilan University, 2004.


Rank 1 of Highschool, Danesh Highschool, Karaj, 2002.