- Overview of degradation mechanims in LED-based products, IUT-TUDelft, 2018-2020
- Synthesis of multi-fuctional YAG:Ce @ SiO2 core-shell optical particles, IUT, 2018-2020
- Developing ultrastrong ductile Ni/Ni3Al layered composite, using SPS, IUT, 2018-2019
- Hot corrosion behaviour of spark plasma sintered Stellite superalloy, IUT, 2018
- Failure analysis of cracks on repaired rolls for hot rolling lines, BEHSAZAN GHALTAK, 2018
- Failure analysis of welded boiler tubes, IUT, 2018
- Synthesis and characterization of nano crystalline Ni3Al intermetallic, IUT, 2017-2018
- Synthesis and characterization of nano crystalline TiAl intermetallic, IUT, 2017-2018
- TLP Welding of Ni3Al intermetallic, IUT, 2017-2018
- Manufacturing and characterization of nanocrystalline oxide metal gas sensors, IUT, 2018
- Hybrid nanocrystalline ZnO-rGO gas sensors, IUT, 2017-2018
- Effects of buttering layer on the mechanical properties of stainless steel welds, IUT, 2018
- Effects of buttering layer on the mechanical properties of dissimilar welds, IUT, 2018
- Manufacturing and characterization of transparent composite ceramics, SA-IRAN, 2017-2018
- Spark plasma sintering of Colmonoy superalloy, IUT, 2018-2019
- Synthesis and characterization of high entropy magnetic alloys, IUT, 2017-2018
- Hydrogen storage in 3D graphene structures, IUT, 2017-2018
Finished Projects:
- Microbial corrosion in amine plant, Petro Paydar Iranian South Pars, 2018
- Inspection of compressors and accessories, ATLASCOP CO BELGIUM, 2018
- CTOD tests of API pipeline steels, Element, The Netherlands, 2018
- Failure analysis of cracks in heavy plates plain carbon steels, HOSCO, 2018
- Synthesis and characterization of (Ti0.93W0.07)C-Based Cermets, IUT-Golpaygan Univ. Joint, 2018
- Failure analysis of ethylene cracking tubes, ARYA SASOOL PETROCHEMICAL PLANT, 2018
- Failure analysis of HIP prosthesis, IUT, 2018
- Spark plasma sintering of Stellite superalloy, IUT, 2018
- Inspection Pipes, Fitting, and Flanges, BUHLMAN, ANTWERPEN BELGIUM, 2018
- Improving ductility of ERW pipes, SAFA STEEL PIPELINE, 2017
- Inspection wellhead equipments at FRAMES THE NETHERLANDS, 2017
- Microbial corrosion in fire water pipeline in FAJR PETROCHEMICAL PLANT, 2017
- Remainig lifetime assesment of fire pipeline in FAJR PETROCHEMICAL PLANT, 2017
- Failure analysis of broken cable, FRIESLAND CAMPINA, THE NETHERLANDS, 2016
- Failure analysis of cracking in dissimilar welds, VDM GERMANY, 2016
- Corrosion-fatigue related failures in structural steels, EU PROJECT, 2013-2015
- Corrosion-related failures in geothermal installations, EU PROJECT, 2013-2015
- Stress relaxation cracking-induced failures in high temp alloys, TNO, 2013-2015
- Failure analysis of ethylene heater tubes, CB&I, THE NETHERLANDS, 2015
- Failure analysis of broken joints, THYSSENKRUPP, GERMANY, 2015
- Failure analysis of leakage in plate heat exchangers, VIVERA, THE NETHERLANDS, 2015
- Failure analysis in centri-cast austenitic steel tubes, TECHNIP, HE NETHERLANDS, 2015
- Failure analysis of broken pins and bolts, METRO ROTTERDAM, HE NETHERLANDS, 2015
- Failure analysis of cracking in vaporizers, ABUQIR, EGYPT, 2015
- 3D Printing of Ti6AlV4 parts, TNO TTHE NETHERLANDS, 2015
- Stress relaxation cracking in high temp steels and superalloys, EU PROJECT, 2013-2015
- Failure analysis of cracking in reformer tubes, ABUQIR, EGYPT, 2014
- Creep in centri-cast austenitic steels, TECHNIP, THE NETHERLANDS, 2014
- Failure analysis of regen heater tubes, RASGAS, SOUTH KOREA, 2014
- Cracking of tail gas pipeline, YARA NORWAY, 2014
- Creep in centri-cast austenitic steels, TECHNIP THE NETHERLANDS, 2014
- Failure analysis of leakage in heat exchanger, BALTIMORE, THE NETHERLANDS, 2014
- Failure analysis of reformer feeds, CB&I, THE NETHERLANDS, 2014
- Failure analysis of broken windmills, RWE, THE NETHERLANDS, 2014
- Failure analysis of a broken clamp, POLITIE, THE NETHERLANDS, 2014
- Failure analysis of broken propeller shaft, ZF MARINE, THE NETHERLANDS, 2014
- Metal dusting corrosion in high temperature nozzles, BRITISH PETROLEUM UK, 2013
- Failure analysis of cracked radiant tubes, HYCO PLANT, THE NETHERLANDS, 2013
- Failure analysis of coke-blocked reformer tubes, CB&I, THE NETHERLANDS, 2013
- Inspection Mechanical roofing frameworks for fuel tanks at CTS, THE NETHERLANDS, 2013
- Metal dusting corrosion in nozzles, BRITISH PETROLEUM UK, 2013
- Residual stress measurements in thick weld sections, BRITISH PETROLEUM UK, 2013
- Production of recrystallized AA6005A profiles, ALSTOM France, THE NETHERLANDS, 2012
- Developing formability test for extruded pipes, BOAL THE NETHERLANDS, 2011