PROJECT TITLE: (Ti0.93W0.07)C-Based Cermets: The Effects of Ni/Co Binders and Mo2C on the Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties
In this research, solid-solution powder of (Ti0.93W0.07)C was synthesized via high-energy ball milling and carbothermal reduction processes. After blending powders with Ni/Co and Mo2C secondary carbide, cermets were prepared via sintering process at 1510°C for 1 h. The formation of typical core/rim structure, consisting of solid solution phases, was confirmed by backscattered electrons (BSE) mode in Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM). Interestingly, the higher Mo2C content, the higher hardness was achieved in the synthesized cermets. Results show that the type of binder has a prominent influence on the microstructure and hardness of cermets as well. The hardness of (Ti0.93W0.07)C-xMo2C-Ni cermet increased approximately 9%, when Ni was partially substituted by Co. Obtained results can very well be explained, taking the dissolution behavior of the constituent carbides into consideration.