Research Projects

Projects with Industry

2022-2023  Beneficiation of Davaran Hematite Ore by Flotation and High-Intensity Magnetic Separation; Funded by Mobarakeh Steel Company, Isfahan, Iran, (project manager).

2021-2022  Development of SefidAbeh Antimony Plant; Funded by Gol-Gohar Company, Zahedan (project manager) 

2021-2022  Beneficiation of Hanar and Bisheh Iron Ores: Funded by IMPASCO, South Khorasan (project manager) 

2020-2021 Design, Construction, and Commissioning of a Pilot Plant for Nickel/Cobalt recovery from Low-Grade Laterite Ores; Funded by Jahad Daneshgahi, Tehran, Iran (project manager).

2020-2021 Beneficiation of Low-Grade Hematite Ores; Funded by Mobarakeh Steel Company, Isfahan, Iran, (project manager).

2020-2021 Processing of Alunite Ores and Alumina Extraction from it; Funded by Mapna Group, Tehran, Iran, (project manager).

2019-2020 Production of Alumina from Fireclay Resources; Funded by Esteglal Abadeh Fireclay Mine, Fars, Iran, (project manager).

2019-2020 Increasing the Efficiency and Capacity of Parvadeh Coal Cleaning Plant; Funded Coal Processing Plant of Parvadeh, Tabas, (project manager). Selected project of Iranian universities and research institutes

2019 Biooxidation of Mouteh Refractory Gold Ores at Pilot Scale. Funded by IMPASCO, (project manager).

2018-2020  Designing, Developing, and Investigating the Mechanisms of Air-Assisted Solvent Extraction Process in Countinous-Mode for Cu Extraction from Dilute Solutions. (NICICO).

2017-2018  Design and Operation of a Biohydrometallurgical Pilot Plant for Recovery of Valuable Metals from Electronic Wastes and Sulphidic Tailings using a Novel Combined Process Recovery, Funded by Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade, Iran (project manager).

2017-2018  Processing Low Grade Hematite Ores, Funded by Shahdab Mining Company, Yazd, Iran (project manager).

2016-2017  Recovery of gallium from Tabas Coal Deposits, Funded by Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation, IMIDRO, Tehran, Iran (project manager).

2015-2016   Charachterisation and Processing of Kaolinite ore of Isfahan Province, Funded by  the Organization of Mining and Industry of Isfahan province, Isfahan, Iran (Researcher).

2016-2017  Nickel Recovery from Spent Catalysts, Funded by Innovation Center of IUT, (project manager)

2015-2016   Design and commissioning of a biodesulfurization pilot plant for Tabas Coals, Funded by Parvadeh Coal Processing Plant, Tabas, Iran (project manager).

2014-2015 Biooxidation of Iranian Sulphidic Gold Ores, Funded by Science and Technology Vice-Presidency, Iran (project manager).   

2013-2014 Feasibility Study for the Production of High Purity Ferrous Sulphate from Zob-Ahan Converter Sludge, Esfahan Steel Company, Isfahan, Iran (project manager).

2012-2013 Biohydrometallurgical Recovery of Cu, Co and Ni from Gol-Gohar iron tailings, GoleGohar Iron Complex, Kerman, Iran (project manager).  

2011-2013    Removal of Inorganic Sulfur from Coal in Tabas Coal Processing Plant. Funded by Parvadeh Coal Processing Plant, Tabas, Iran (project manager).

 2011-2012 Design and Construction of a Controllable Electrobioreactor. Funded by Isfahan University of Technology (project manager).

2011          Feasibilty study and economic analysis for Copper Processing Plant, Funded by Goharfam, Tehran, Iran.

2011        Feasibility Study for Processing Plant of Dalli Copper-Gold Ore. Funded by Dorsa Pardazeh Company, Isfahan, Iran (project manager).

2009-2010 Design and Kinetics Modelling of Copper Electro-bioleaching from Flotation Concentrate of Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex. Funded by National Iranian Copper Industry Company (NICICO), Kerman, Iran (project manager).

2009-2010  Investigation of effect of additives on chalcopyrite copper concentrate bioleaching by mixed moderate thermophile bacteria, Funded by Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran (project manager).

2008-2009  Electrochemical Bioleaching of Sarcheshmeh Copper Concentrate, Funded by National Iranian Copper Industry Company (NICICO), Kerman, Iran.

2007-2008    Exploration and Processing of Industrial Minerals in Kerman Province. Funded by  the Organization of Mining and Industry of Kerman province, Kerman, Iran.

2007-2008  Troubleshooting and improving Chromite Beneficiation Circuit of Esfandagheh. Funded by Chromite Mine of Esfandagheh, Kerman, Iran (project manager).   

2004-2005   Investigation into the role of Effective Parameters of Well Destruction in Kermanshah Province. Funded by Kermanshah Water Resources Organization, Kermanshah, Iran (project manager).

Project with university


2009-2010: Investigation of effect of additives on chalcopyrite copper concentrate bioleaching by mixed moderate thermophile bacteria, Funded by Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
2011-2012: Design and Construction of a Controllable Electrobioreactor. Funded by Isfahan University of Technology