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A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, M. Schaffie, J. Petersen, 2011. Kınetıc modelıng of (electro)-bıologıcal leachıng of copper flotatıon concentrates. 22nd World Mining Congress | 11-16 September 2011 Istanbul, Turkey. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, M. Schaffie, Z. Manafi, 2011. Electrochemical bioleaching: a new route to treat chalcopyrite concentrates. First National Copper Conference, Kerman, Iran. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, M. Schaffie, Z. Manafi, Z.. 2010. Effect of oxidation reduction potential and iron species on chemical leaching of copper concentrate. Proceeding of Copper 2010 Conference, GDMB, Hamburg, Germany, 1725-1738. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Schaffie, Z. Manafi, M. Ranjbar, 2010. Optimization of copper concentrate bioleaching by mixed moderate thermophile bacteria. Proceeding of Copper 2010 Conference, GDMB, Hamburg, Germany. 2575-2589. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, M. Shafiei, Z. Manafi, 2009. Copper recovery from sulphidic concentrate by mixed mesophile bacteria. The 6th National Biotechnology Congress of Iran, Tehran, Iran. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, M. Shafiei, Z. Manafi, 2009. Comparison between mixed mesophile and mixed moderate thermophile bacteria for copper extraction from chalcopyrite concentrates in a STBR. The First Conference of Separation Science and Engineering, Kerm |
A. Ahmadi, A., Ranjbar M., Schaffie, M., Manafi, Z.. 2009. Electrobioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrates in the presence of silver ions. Proceeding of The first Iranian Connference on Nano&Biotechnology, Kerman, Iran. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, 2008. The Investigation of Interfacial Phenomena on Apatite Flotation System. 2nd Iranian Mining Engineering, Tehran, Iran. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, M. Shafiei, Z. Manafi, 2008. Investigation of Sarcheshmeh copper concentrate dissolution by electrochemical methods. 12th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tabriz, Iran. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, 2008. Evaluation of fatty acids effects on apatite and iron oxides wettability and their prediction by fuzzy logic. The 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress, Kish Island, Iran. |
E. Abkhoshk, A. Ahmadi, S. Banisi, 2007. Modeling of Coal Flotation by Fuzzy Logic. First Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems (7 th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems and 8 th Conference on Intelligent Systems), Mashhad, Iran. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, H. Aminshirazi. 2006. Qualitative evaluation of effects of chemical variables on surface tension of aquatic solutions in apatite flotation. 11th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran. |
A. Ahmadi, M. Ranjbar, H.R. Khatami. 2006. Application of fuzzy logic in modeling and simulating the apatite flotation process from iron oxides. 6th Iranian Conference on Fuzzy Systems and 1st Islamic World Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Shiraz, Iran. |