Advanced Manufacturing Processes Lab


-Ultrasonic-assisted WED Turning
-Ultrasonic-assisted Magnetic Abrasive Finishing
-Production Of Copper And Silver Nano Particles By Ultrasonic-assisted EDM
-Ultrasonic-assisted WED Milling
-Ultrasonic Assisted Desalination and Cleaning
- 3-D printing of architectural structures using environmental friendly material

In this lab we are working on different non-traditonal processes to fabricate delicate parts with high accuracy, tolerances and surface finish such as: Lithography, PCM, UWEDM and polishing methods. Ultrasonic assisted processes like, Ultrasonic-Assisted Wire Electrical Discharge Turning and milling processes that are used for producing complex and delicate parts which cannot be machined on a regular WEDM. Conducting research on Ultrasonic assisted operation for internal pipe cleaning is another research area of focus in this lab.

Another group of students are working on concrete and clay 3-D printing processes. Our approach is to design access to available excess architectural and construction production capacities, through focusing in 3D printing & additive manufacturing. A joint work with the Department of Architecture.