Academic and Industrial Research Activities:

- Development of Microfluidic Systems to Investigate the Effect of Chemical Gradient on Cancer Cells, 2017, Joint work with Applied Physiology Research Center ait Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.

- Simulation plan for Isolating Cancer Cells by Acoustic Waves in a Microfluidic Chip and Optimization the Plan, 2017-2018.

- Laboratory Fabrication and Evaluation of a Microfluidic System for the Separation of Breast Cancer Cells, 2017, Joint work with Applied Physiology Research Center ait Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.

- Design and manufacturing of micro-fluidic devices for micro particle separation by acoustic waves, ongoing, Joint work with Isfahan University of Medical School.

- Design and Fabrication of a Microfluidic Device for Cell Separation by DLD Technique Using Capillarity and Wettability Driven Flow, ongoing, A joint work with Royan Research Centre.

 – 3 new projects in a joint collaboration with Royan research Institute, Isfahan Medical School and probably a research school at Zhaw, Swiss (under investigation):

  • Gradually Stiffened Hydrogel to Improve Angiogenesis;
  • A new project on tissue engineering using Human Amniotic Membrane;
  • Lab on Chip, electrophoresis microfluidic chip for Exosome isolation.

- Technology development in production of copper nano particles by ultrasonic assisted electrical discharge machining, 2016-2018.

- Technology development of Cylindrical Wire Electro-discharge Machining (CWEM) with ultrasonic assisted system for machining very hard and delicate materials, since 2008.

- Research on Ultrasonic-assisted Magnetic Abrasive Finishing, 2010-2016.

- An Investigation to evaluate the design and manufacturing of a hybrid solar system to produce electricity, hot water and purified water, Joint project with Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran, since 2017.

- Design and Fabrication of an optical system for determining of orthopedic nail holes, A joint work with Alzahra Hospital, since 2018.